The God body is represented in the diagrams below with the human body parallel or mirror image reflected next to it. The 10 major organs are arranged in a numerical pattern that reflects the 10 sephiroth and the 10 dimensions. These could also reflect the 10 laws or commandments as well as a host of other numerical values of 10. The God body itself is the unified field which holds the 7 stars of the multiverse in its right hand and has the 10 laws or dimensions that make up its matter body.
The quantum singularity event on the etheric body of God lies at the point of the Atom's Apple which the mechanism that brings forth the word of God to "let there be light" which was created with the expansion of a photon. The dimensions and multiverses that were created could be though of as heavenly organs (organ-instrument played in churches) that have a musical characteristic to them that sounds very good.

Sample Photo 5