The diagrams below represent the 7 level multiverse ( see multiverse video and 2 ) contained in the 10 sephiroth as a cosmic projection of the forces and matter. The quantum fluctuation event is the light source of the multiverse projection which derived itself from that of the photon. The multiverse is projected from the consciousness of the mind of God through the unified field that creates our reality. The 7th multiverse which is our universe sits at the day of rest which could be related to the 7 days of creation that we see in the Genesis account.
Each multiverse acts as a side on a cube which projects our universe in the center which cannot be seen by an outside observer except for the one who created it. The 6 multiverses that encompass our universe can be thought of as a proton and a neutron type comparison which is present in all matter and energy. Biblical accounts refer to the number 7 in many ways, it's described as the 7 churches, the 7 stars, the 7 angels, the 7 spirits, the 7 levels of heaven, the 7 candlesticks, the 7 days of creation etc... These similarities also apply to our 7 days in a week, our 7 year itch, our 7 points in space time, our 7 level multiverse, the 7 chakras, the 7 colors of the rainbow spectrum, the 7 electromagnetic waves, our 7 sensory points on the human head and the 7 deadly sins.