We often use the metaphor "we should think more with our hearts and less with our brains" (see heart video,pt 2,3,4) (review ICG paper here) . The diagrams below represent this metaphor perfectly because those at heart math have discovered that the heart itself has its own brain and that the electromagnetic field that the heart produces far exceeds that of the brain. The heart is the first organ to develop inside a human fetus in order to circulate the blood around its body. The heart keeps a rhythmic beat which is regulated by an onboard computer.
This computer brain is known as the Intrinsic Cardiac Ganglion or ICG and it is a tiny brain connected to the heart which keeps us alive. The heart cells themselves are known to have brain cells connected to them which are the same brain cells that are present in the human brain. These brain cells emit a electromagnetic frequency which parallels the electromagnetic field that can be seen in an ovi going through a fission like process. The heart itself has an EM field which can be picked up at least 6 feet or more away from the individual with the beating heart. Some researchers are saying that the heart has an intelligence and that it stores information like emotion, has short and long term memory and is a feedback mechanism.
We always express love as being associated with the heart and that love affects our consciousness and physical state of being. The love of God is in the heart and it is the love that is keeping us alive because it was the first brain to be developed and our 2nd human brain came after. If God is love and love is an intelligence then the metaphor that we use could have more scientific merit to it if we view it in this kind of manner. The heart's EM field is capable of detecting certain frequencies or vibes given off by any situation or individual as if it is a sensory organ as well.